September 15, 2021
min read

Virtual therapeutic care to engage your team during challenging times

By providing digital access to healthcare, you can enable employees to be connected with essential resources.

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Virtual therapeutic care to engage your team during challenging times

The critical role of healthcare access and deliverability during COVID

People are becoming more apt to take control of their own health from simply tracking their daily steps to monitoring their health conditions. While the integration of digital tools in healthcare is not necessarily something new, we certainly have seen a real impact on healthcare access and deliverability more prominently in the past year. This subsequent uptake and adoption of digital health solutions following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has shined a light on the benefits that these tools can provide for population health. 

If there is one thing we know for sure, it is that chronic digestive conditions still remain constant even in a world of rapid change and evolving work environments. Digital health solutions remove barriers to access, as well as provide an affordable and reliable solution to help manage your ailments even in unpredictable circumstances. 

Health and wellbeing at work

During these challenging times, mental health has become exacerbated and increasingly difficult for people to manage. Therefore, it has become more important than ever to provide tools that can help allay their stress and anxiety. Both physical and mental health play a significant role in a person’s wellbeing and overall quality of life. In a study conducted by Gallop, they found that wellbeing is a strong predictor of employee engagement. By achieving this optimal health and increased wellbeing, in turn, you can improve the engagement among employees on your team. 

Digestive conditions are shown to have an impact not just on a person’s physical health but deeply influences their mental health as well.

Finding the right balanced treatment can be hard but digital tools can prove to be an essential lifeline for employers in order to provide quality care to their teams even at a distance.

In fact, digital app-based tools for digestive health have proved effective in not only alleviating the physical symptoms of their condition but also improving a person’s overall wellbeing. This harmonious equilibrium of both physical and mental symptoms can enable your employees to be more productive and engaged.   

Are digital solutions the answer?

We are progressively understanding that healthcare is no longer one-size fits all and there is a need for solutions and care to reflect that. Coupled with the fact that we now live in an age where almost everyone owns a smartphone and digital literacy has become commonplace. This creates a vast opportunity for people to finally take control of their health through digital solutions. While virtual therapeutic care provides ease in care and deliverability at scale, it by no means replaces doctor visits altogether. What it does mean is that patients are no longer at the mercy of waiting for an appointment weeks after their symptoms arise, there is better access to integrated care teams, and ultimately streamlines their care journey. More so, digital therapeutic solutions can provide self-management tools that allow users to manage their condition in between care visits.

Providing effective care to your employees

Bold Health provides an accessible, scalable virtual therapeutic care on a mission to transform employee gut health through a suite of effective evidence-based digital solutions and an integrated care team. Our solution provides a digital self-management program that employees can access at their own pace with the added benefit of an integrated care team that is with them along their journey. This allows for patients to have both 24/7 access to fast flare-up relief, as well as care escalation, for those moments they need it the most. 

By providing digital access to healthcare, you can enable employees to be connected with essential resources even in unprecedented times. Bold Health is on a mission to build engaging products that meet employee’s needs for effective, accessible, and cost-effective treatments. Reach out to learn how our program can help your team stay engaged while at a distance.  

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